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Suitable for power plant desulfurization (FGD) slurry circulation system, etc. Pump outlet size: 600mm~1000mm Maximum flow: 2500m3/h Maximum head: 35m Material: rubber lining, impeller and other components are A49 or A51 super chrome alloy
Sand pump G/GH
Suitable for sand, tunnel, hydraulic mining, slag, etc. Pump outlet size: 100mm~900mm Maximum flow: 20000m3/h Maximum head: 105m Material: metal lining, impeller and other components are super chrome alloy
Desulfurization circulation pump GSL
Suitable for power plant desulfurization (FGD) slurry circulation system, etc. Pump outlet size: 600mm~1000mm Maximum flow: 2500m3/h Maximum head: 35m Material: rubber lining, impeller and other components are A49 or A51 super chrome alloy